The Good Soil

“Now this is the parable: the seed is the word of God. And those beside the road are the ones who have heard, then the devil comes and takes away the word from their heart, so that they will not believe and be saved. Those on the rocky soil are the ones who, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and yet these do not have a firm root; they believe for a while, and in a time of temptation they fall away. And the seed which fell among the thorns, these are the ones who have heard, and as they go on their way they are choked by worries, riches, and pleasures of this life, and they bring no fruit to maturity. But the seed in the good soil, these are the ones who have heard the word with a good and virtuous heart, and hold it firmly, and produce fruit with perseverance.”

Luke 8:11-15 NASB2020

This story makes it clear we should want to be the good soil: but what is good soil? And how can we cultivate good soil in the hearts of our children?

In gardening, good soil has a specific composition. “The ideal soil texture consists of equal parts of sand, silt, and clay; this type of soil is referred to as “loam” or “loamy.” Loamy soil has that perfect balance—it holds moisture but also drains well, allows oxygen to reach plants’ roots, and is rich in humus (organic matter). It’s fertile, easy to work, and contains plenty of organic matter.” “Preparing Soil for Planting” accessed April 1, 2022. This process of creating good soil also requires clearing out rock and debris and removing weeds. So good soil is about what we add to the soil to make it receptive – to make it a place hospitable to growth – and what we remove that would prevent the seeds we plant from taking root. 

This is our job when our kids are young. We are to be good soil so we are producing fruit and we are to cultivate good soil in the lives of our kids so they hear the Word, hold it firmly, and produce fruit with perseverance. There is more than one way to do this, but it is always going to include some aspects of modeling, spending time together, and Scripture. How can a child understand love without being unconditionally loved? And how can a child learn patience without seeing it? And how can a child know grace if it is never extended to her? 

What are some ways you can cultivate good soil in your home this week? It doesn’t have to be complicated, but it does have to be intentional. Happy gardening!